Hello classmates, today I want to tell you about a website that I used in a field last year and also this year I was an assistant and I realized the importance of this tool. This is VMD (visual molecular Dynamics) Although, I used this tool once a year during the first month of classes, I feel that from my role as a student and assistant it is a super useful tool, since this platform allows you to visualize structures and interact with them. One of the things that limit the use of this program is that it requires a database, which fortunately my teacher provided me. If anyone interested I can send it to them as well. It's incredible how this tool makes learning easier, you can take measurements, visualize angles, links, interactions, etc. I hope that you can use this type of tools of internet, not only to watch molecular structure and interact with that yourself, but also to teach other people to use this website to learn science with other ways. Furthermore, for those...